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Rosario Unlimited: Overcoming Failure

Its been a while since I've written here. I'm still new to the writing world. I'm not currently seeing the types of sales I would like to see, but I'm not giving up. The failure is not in how much I make, but if I decided to quit because they are not what I expected it to be. If I keep on and promote my books, reach out to people and believe, I will get there eventually. Overcoming failure to me right now means to keep going no matter what. It means to fall many times and still manage to get up each time. I cannot,not get up. I can't afford to not give up. The dream lives inside me. The minute that light dims out is the minute I die. I have to be hungry each time to push and pull through. I have to keep on dreaming. I have to be the positive role model my kids deserve and need me to be. I have to keep dreaming to breathe life into myself. I have to keep dreaming and honor the gift God has given me. I have to keep dreaming so that I can make a positive change in someone else's life. I have to keep dreaming so that others can have a chance to dream and succeed. I have to dream to be the loving, positive and motivating change the world needs. I have to keep dreaming so that whoever is reading this can make a positive change and keep dreaming. Please never give-up. You are the change the world needs.

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