Rosario Unlimited:Dear Diary mini Fairytale Stories

We finally got out of Crystal Forest. I barely slept because I was thinking about the Cyclops. My mind started night dreaming of different ways the Cyclops would kill us. After a while this place gives you the darkest thoughts. I started looking at Hondero. The view was pleasant with his tall, muscular and handsome self. He noticed me looking at him. Then he smiled. Hondero gently held my hand. My heart just started to melt. As we walked we came across a beautiful lake. It was that perfect ocean blue and flowers surrounded it. Hondero put down his bag and he walked towards the lake. He held his hand together and he dunked them into the water. He then lifted his hands together tightly and drank some water. I was looking at all the beauty around me. The trees were very beautiful. They looked like trees on earth except more colorful and full of life. I saw some bushes with these weird, but beautiful flowers. I got a little startle because it felt like the bush was moving.
"Hondero!" I yelled out.
Hondero walked towards me. "What happen Isabel?"
"I think that bush was moving. Is that something that happens here?"
"No. There are no bushes that move. We've been walking for a long while. I think you should drink some of the water."
"You might be right. I am very thirsty."
I walked towards the lake and had me some of that nice refreshing lake water. It tasted so good. I know it sounds crazy and may not make any sense, but it also tasted magical. I don't know why that word popped in my head since I have never tasted magic. I turned around and Hondero was there.
"Hey. You almost startled me."
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to startled you."
Hondero smiled and he grabbed my hands. He then pulled me closer. He lifted my chin gently and then his lips pressed against mine. We started to kiss passionately. It felt so good. My knees felt weak. I put my arms around him and I got closer. Well, magic finally happened between Hondero and I if you get my drift. What! You thought I was going to give you all the juicy details. A lady never tells. We were lying down next to the lake. I had my head on top of Hondero's chest. I could hear his heart beating. I then looked at the lake. It was the perfect scenery for the most perfect moment.

​It was the next day. We had gotten dressed. I then started stretching. Hondero was dismantling the tent. I got this funny feeling we were being watched I looked towards the bushes again. I saw something move.
"Hondero, there is someone here. I just saw the bushes move again.
"I know."
I turned around. "what do you mean..."
It was that freaking fairy. She had a sword pointed at Hondero. She also had some trolls with her which I assumed where her goons.
"Hi Isabel. Miss me?" The fairy said with this evil smirk.
"You. I don't suppose you are here to take me back home?"
"No my darling Isabel. I already told you that you are here for my special project and you are welcome. If it weren’t for me, you and Hondero would have never met. I see how close you two have gotten. You two are so intense. I had fun watching."
"You are sick. Hondero is the only good thing to happen to me in this place."
"I know. Which is why you will be part of my project. You say no and Hondero is no more." She said and then she started to laugh.
"Don't listen to her Isabel. I rather die than see you get hurt." Hondero said then one of the trolls hit him in the stomach with stick.
"You will be part of my project." The fairy said.
"I'll go with you. Just don't hurt Hondero."
"I thought you would see things clearly." She then signaled another troll. He brought in a horse carriage.
The trolls then pushed Hondero and me to the ground. They grabbed our hands forcefully and put shackles on us. Then we were forced into the horse carriage.
"My dear trolls I have other obligations to go to. Make sure these two get to the castle. If anything happens I will have your heads."
The trolls sure seemed like they were scared of the fairy. They shook their heads yes and grunted. The fairy flew away. Hondero sat across me.
"I'm sorry Hondero. This is all my fault."
"Isabel, this fairy is evil. This is not your fault. We will find a way out. I will not let you become her experiment."
"We are both shackled here. How are we going to get free?"
"Never loose faith. There is always a way out."
The carriage started to move. I really wanted to have faith like Hondero did, but I couldn't help to think about my bad luck. We only had one day to go to get to Fluff forest. Now it seems so far.
To Be Continued...