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Rosario Unlimited: Dear Diary mini Fairytale Stories

As I walked into the darkness holding this ancient candle my heart was beating very fast. I was so scared. In the daytime Crystal Forest looked so beautiful and majestic, but at night it was an icy cold full of things you see in your nightmare. I managed to shout "Hondero!"

Then I looked around to make sure there were no monsters lurking to get me.

"Isabel!" I heard Hondero scream.

"Hondero! Where are you?"

"Over here!" Hondero shouted.

Over here wasn't much help when I couldn't see anything. I then tripped over something.

"Ouch!" Hondero yelled.

"Hondero? Oh, my gosh! I'm so sorry. I just could not see anything."

"It's okay. You found me. That's what's important. Help me get up and help me take this trap off my leg."

"Oh my gosh!" I yelled. He had this bear trap like thing clawing into his leg. He was bleeding really badly.

"Hurry Isabel. Before the Cyclops comes back."

"Cyclops!" I yelled.

I should have known that in this place of magic there would also be Cyclops. Hondero and I managed to open up the bear trap. He quickly got his leg out, but then he fell to the floor holding his leg in pain. I helped him up. He ripped his right sleeve from his shirt.

"Wrap this sleeve on my leg. Make sure it's nice and tight, but not too tight."


We hear the growl again. I wrapped the sleeve on Hondero's leg quickly. He then put his arm around me. Normally I would be looking at his muscles, but the thought of a Cyclops eating me or murdering me kind of brought me to reality. We ran. Hondero kept grinning from the pain. We managed to get back to the cave. We went inside the tent.

"Ouch!" Hondero screamed."

"I know you are in a lot of pain, but can you not yell. I don't want to be murdered."

Hondero gave me an angry look. I know I was being a little insensitive, but our lives depended on him being quiet. Hoondero grabbed his bag. He took out a big leaf. He then slowly unwrapped the sleeve from his leg. His face turned red from him holding the pain.

"Isabel, please wrap this leaf on my leg."

I wrapped the leaf slowly and carefully around his leg. Hondero then took out a small little bottle. He opened it up and then sprinkles some pink dust on the leaf. The leaf then started to sparkle. Like really sparkle. I noticed Hondero started to feel more at ease. As if he was no longer in pain. He then unwrapped the leaf and I was shocked to see he was no longer bleeding. Heck! He no longer had a wound.

"What was in that bottle?"

"It's magic. Magic can be used for good to. It just depends on the user." Hondero got up and smiled.

"I'm glad to know that there are some good things about this place. That is one heck of a magic dust."

"I'm proud of you Isabel. This place must be very scary for you. Especially that you come from a world of no magic, but despite your fear you went looking for me."

"You would and have done the same for me. "

Hondero smiled at me then he kissed me gently.

"Normally this would be the perfect moment, but I want to make sure we are safe. You are one of the good things about this place."

"You are as well. I don't know what I will do when you go back to your world."

That really made me think. In my world, finding a good man was so hard. A single mom wasn't exactly the catch of the day. I come to this scary world and meet the man of my dreams. Only I can't stay. I have my kids to think about. What will I do without Hondero?

To Be Continue...

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