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Rosario Unlimited: Dear Diary mini Fairytale Stories

Four days had passed by since we escaped Gilda’s nightmare castle. I was still dealing with the fact that I was half fairy. Heck, I was still digesting that my daughters were also half fairy. It’s hard enough having a conversation about the birds and the bees. How was I going to start off the “you are half fairy” conversation? Now I know that it was no accident me being in that closet enjoying that delicious donut and me encountering Gilda. As I stepped out of Hondero’s cabin, I noticed all these elves and other mythical creatures practicing fighting with swords. I saw Hondero, and he waved at me to come to him. I hesitantly walked to him. I put on my best fake smile.

“Good morning Hondero. What is going on here? Who are these creatures?”

“Good morning Isabel.” He gently kissed me on the lips. “There is a war coming and we are training the creatures of the forest how to defend themselves.”

“A war! What do you mean there is a war coming?” I said with a concerned tone in my voice.

“After our escape from Gilda’s castle she declared war on all the forest creatures.”

“What? Why am I hearing this for the first time? What did you mean by we are training the creatures of the forest?”

“Gardenera, Azina, me and now you.”

“Whoa! Wait a minute. I just got my daughters back. You know I want to go back to my world.”

Hondero looked at me seriously. “Isabel, after everything that’s happened you just can’t leave us. We need you. We need your help now that we know you are half fairy.”

“Look I appreciate all you all have done for me and my daughters, but I can’t put my girls in any more danger.”

“Are you serious Isabel? This is your world just as much as it is ours.” Hondero held my hands. “I love you, but part of the reason that we are about to go to war is because Gilda wants your magic.”

I let go of Hondero’s hands. “Wow! So this is my fault?”

“No, it’s not what I’m saying. Isabel we need you. Your daughters are ready to fight for this world. Why aren’t you?”

My blood started to boil when Hondero said that. I just couldn’t believe how he was talking to me. I wanted my daughters to be safe. How could that be wrong?

“My daughters are little girls that need to be going to school and worry about homework. Not worrying about going into war. I’m sorry Hondero, but I can’t do this. I can’t let my girls do this.”

Hondero looked at me with such disappointment, but what was I supposed to do?

“Mom. we want to fight.” Kayza said,

“Kayza, you are a kid. This is insane.”

“No mom. What is absurd is that we walk away from everybody here after they helped us. What is crazy is that we are half fairies and they stand a better chance with us helping them and we don’t.”

I was in total shock. “How did you know you was half fairy?”

“Grandpa visited me and Jennifer in a dream and told us. When were you going to tell us?”

“I didn’t know how to even bring it up.”

“Mom, this is when we need to have the courage to stand up for those that cannot fight for themselves. It would be selfish to leave and not try to help.”Kayza said with such passion.

I looked at Kayza’s eyes. I saw the disappointment in them. My heart just felt torn up at the knowledge that I caused my daughter to look at me this way. She had more courage than I did.

“You’re right Kayza. I guess I was just so into running away that I haven’t noticed how much you have grown.”

“So can we stay and fight?” Kayza asked.

I touched my daughter’s cheeks softly. “Yes, but you and Jennifer have to learn to use your powers. I don’t think I’m best equip to teach you since I’m still learning myself.”

“Gardenera has been teaching Jennifer and ,me.” Kayza lifted her hand and from her fingertips fairy dust pour out and she made it go in a circular motion. The fairy dust then seeped back into her fingertips.

It amazed me. “Okay. Gardenera can continue training you.”

“What about you, mom?”

“I’ll be there in a second. I just need to talk with Hondero.”

“Okay. See you in a few.” Kayza said, and she ran to Gardenera who smiled and waved at me. I waved back.

I turned around and looked at Hondero. He had a little smile, but I could tell he was not happy.

“I’m sorry Hondero. I guess I was being selfish.”

“Well, after the war you can go back to your world. I have some creatures to train.” Hondero said and left without giving me one of his gentle kisses.

I felt like the worst person and fairy ever. I had to make this up to him. He risked everything for my daughters and here I was only thinking about running from everyone who helped us. By helping us they put their home at risk. I felt like such a coward. I would make it up to them. I also didn’t want to lose Hondero.

To Be Continued...

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