Rosario Unlimited: Dear Diary mini Fairytale Stories

"Half fairy? Now I know Gilda is messing with me." I said to my dream dad.
"Isabel, you are not dreaming. I am your father and you are in danger."
"How can I be half fairy? I don't have any magic."
My dad puts his hand on my shoulder.
"Isabel, this is real. I am real. There is magic within you. You just have to bring it out. "
"How do I do that?"
"It has to come within you. Unfortunately, I can't just make you be magical."
"How do I know what you are telling me is real and it’s not a dream that I'm having?"
"I will imprint you with a magical tattoo. It should protect you from Gilda for a couple of hours. You have to bring the magic in you out before Gilda kills you to get it."
My dad held my arm and sprinkled magic dust on it. A heart shape tattoo appeared on my skin. It was small and purple. Then he hugged me.
"It's so good to see you Isabel. Please use your time wisely."
"Okay dad." I smiled at my dad and then I stopped smiling. "Dad, if I'm half fairy, then what about my girls?"
"Your girls?"
"I have two daughters, Kayza and Jennifer. Gilda kidnapped them and is holding them hostage."
"I have granddaughters?" My dad said smiling.
"Yes you do. Dad, wouldn't that mean that they also have magic in them?"
My dad stopped smiling. "Yes. Isabel, you need to bring out that magic. My grandbabies are also in danger. Gilda is a monster. I witness her kill a whole village. There were kids and babies dead by her hands. She will do whatever takes. She has no morals and no boundaries."
"Oh my God! I need to get wake up dad."
"I'll give you a magical push to wake up. The rest is up to you."
"Will I see you again dad?"
"Yes. Whenever you dream I can now enter your dreams. Now go and save my grandbabies."
"I will dad" I hugged my dad tightly. I then stepped back. My dad held out his hand and a ball of magic dust came out of his hands. He then threw the ball of magic at me and it hit me.

I woke up. I was feeling dizzy. I managed to push the Maget machine away from me. I then looked at my arm and saw the Purple Heart tattoo.
"It was real. My dad was real. I am half fairy." I almost fell down the floor because I felt dizzy, but I held on to the medical bed. "Now how do I get this magic out within me?"
I walked out of the medical room and found a place to hide. I sat down the floor. Gardenera startled me when she just appeared out of thin air.

"Gardenera, you scared me. What are you doing here?"
"Trying to save you. "
"I can't go yet. I have to save my daughters. I just found out I'm half fairy."
"Just like me. Congrats. No wonder Gilda wants you so bad. That sister of mine is powerful because she kills other fairies and steals their magic. Well, half fairies. She tried to steal mine. Big mistake. I almost killed her."
"Why didn't you?"
"I promised my mom I wouldn't, but I don't know for how long I can keep that promise. Gilda just causes death and destruction wherever she goes."
"I can believe that. Gardenera, how did you bring out the magic in you?"
"It comes from my faith in magic. Unfortunately, only you can make the magic happen. No one else can bring it out of you."
"That's kind of hard for me. I know I'm in this place filled with magic, but I still find it hard to believe it's real."
"There lies your problem. No faith, no magic."
"I need to bring it out of me. I need to save my daughters. They are also in danger because they also have fairy in them."
"Then you need to work on your faith."
"I know. I have to do it quickly."
" While you are doing that I am going to check on Hondero."
"Yes, He is here. He is trying to save your daughters." Gardenera said and then she disappeared.
I sat on that floor trying to feel that faith, but nothing happened. I then started thinking about my daughters. I thought about when Kayza was born. Kayza is my first-born. She was so beautiful and gentle. Then I thought about Jennifer. When she was born she almost died on me. She had heart problems. I went to the hospital faithfull everyday. I was so scared I was going to lose her. Then she just got better. It was like... magic. I started to feel this strange feeling inside. I looked at my hands. Magic dust was coming out of them. I got up slowly. I was smiling. Then I saw Gilda and she saw me. She flew towards my way. I put my hands up and all of a sudden I was in the room where my daughters were being held. They were with Hondero.

"Isabel?" Hondero said confused.
I hugged Kayza and Jennifer. I then hugged Hondero and gave him a kiss.
"I'll explain later. Right now we all need to get out of here."
"I agree." Said Gardenera. "I see you figured out how to get the magic out of you."
"Yes. We can talk about this later. Right now we need to go."
"Well, we can get everyone out of here right now, but I need your help."
"My help?"
"Between your magic and mines we can poof everyone out of here. Hold my hand."
I held Gardenera's hand and we circled around my girls and Hondero. Then we all disappeared.
To Be Continued...