Rosario Unlimited: Dear Diary mini Fairytale Stories

It was morning. I awoke to a troll staring at me. I jumped out of bed scared and then I fell. Just for a moment I forgot that I was stuck in this living nightmare. My daughters were in my thoughts. I hoped that Hondero could rescue them. Even if I die in this experiment, project, whatever, at least I know my babies would be safe.
"Time to get ready. I wait by the door." The Troll said.
"Okay. I'm okay, just fell out of the bed and hurt myself." I said sarcastically.
"No ask."
I just looked at the Troll. He turned around and left the room. I went to the bathroom and I took a shower. It felt good to take a shower. At least one last hot shower on my last day... I would say earth, but I'm not on earth. After showering I got dress. Gilda walked in the room.
"Are you ready?"
"Not really." I said scared.
Yup, just like her to be cold hearted.
"I want to see my girls." Isaid firmly.
"Look, I agreed to do this project fo yours willfully. If it's going to be my last day I want to see my daughters for the last time. Please!"
"Okay, but you only get 5 minutes of your earth time."
I was taken to see my daughters. Kayza and Jennifer ran to me. They hugged me and I hugged them back. They were crying. I wanted to cry, but I wanted to be strong for my girls.
"How are they treating you?" I asked.
"They haven't hurt us mom, but we are scared. What is this place, mom?" Kayza , my oldest daughter, asked.
"It's some type of fairytale world, except it's not a good place."
"Mommy I want to go home." Jennifer said and cryed right into my arms.
My heart was melting. I hated this. My stupid decision has brought this pain and fear on them.
"Look, not everyone here is bad. There is a man named Hondero. He is going to save you girls. This has to be a secret. Gilda the fairy must not find out."
Both my girls understood. THey hugged me again.
"What about you mommy? Is he going to rescue you too?" Jennifer asked.
"Yes, of course." I smiled and touched Jennifers cheek gently.
"Mom, how did you get here?" Kayza asked.
"That's a story for another time. Right now I just want to hug you and look at you two."
The Troll then walks in.
"Times up!"
"It hasn't been five minutes." I said with anger.
"Fairy not patient. Let's go."
"Okay, okay. Let me just say bye."
Kayza and Jennifer hugged me again. I hugged them back tight. I could smell the strawberry shampoo in their hair. The Troll then seperated us.
"Must go now."
"Okay." I said sadly and I waved good bye to my girls. Once we got out of the room I started to tear up.
I could hear Jennifers little voice crying and yelling for me. My heart broke. I started to cry uncontrollably. The Troll, Gilda and I walked on a long hallway and went down some long steps. It felt like we were walking down the steps forever. Then we finally reached a big wall that slide opened vertically. When we stepped in the door you could see many other fairies dressed in black coats. There was also equipment you would see at a hospital. Then there was this metallic like bed.
"I need you to get on the bed and lay down." Gilda said.
I looked around scared, but I thought about my daughters. I got on the metallic bed and I lay down. There was this strange machine on attached to the ceiling. It looked like the type of machine you see at a dentist office when they take X-Ray pictures of your teeth. I never found those machines comforting and I found this one less comforting. My heart wanted to come out of my chest. Then I felt these metal bracelets on my wrist and ankles. They wanted to make sure I couldn't run. The machine attached to the ceiling was moving closer to me. The some wires came out of it and attached itself to my head. Then I felt some something sharp going into my skull. Yes, I was screaming in pain. I passed out from the pain. I think I entered into a dream state because I started seeing all these psychedelic colors and shapes. I was starting to feel dizzy. Then I ended up in my childhood home. Everything looked so vivid and real. I was in the kitchen. I walked slowly towards the table. I put my hand on the chair and I could actually feel the chair. I went to look at the window of the kitchen. Then my mom walks in.
"Isabel, it's time to go to school. I don't want you to be late." My mom yells.
I had a lump in my throat. I could feel my tears streaming down my face. Then I see me as a kid. My mom starts to get kid me ready for school. She puts on my coat and grabs my book bag.
"Mom it's me, Isabel. I am grown, but I'm your baby.” I said, but she could not hear me.
It was as if I was watching a rerun show of my life. I reached out to touch my mom and she disappeared. I saw the psychedelic colors again. I was once again in my home, but in the living room. My mom was sitting on the sofa and she was pregnant. My dad walks in the living room. He sits by my mom. My mom looks at my dad and she starts to rub her belly.
"My Isabel must never know the truth."
"Eventually she will learn the truth. They will come after her once they learn the truth." my father said.
I was like in a little shock. What truth was my mom talking about? Who was coming after me and why? I was confused. This must be Gilda's plan to confuse me and trick me. Was this part of the experiment? I ran towards my parents and I managed to touch my dad's hand. I felt this static like energy. I looked at my dad. He was still looking at my mom. I started to cry.
"Don't cry Isabel."
My eyes widen and I let go of my dad’s hand. I started to walk back slowly.
"You are not dreaming. It's me, your dad."
"What, how?"
"I put a spell just in case the fairies got a hold of you and try to use the Maget machine on you."
"A spell? The Maget? What is going on dad? You died two years ago. I don't understand."
My dad grabbed my hand.
"I now exist in magic only."
"Wait, what?"
"I am a fairy."
"What? This is not real. Gilda is sure good at messing with my mind."
"This is your dad. Isabel, Gilda came after you because she learned the truth."
"What truth?"
"That you are my daughter. That you are half fairy."
To Be Continued...