G to the P Girl Power

G to the P Girl Power is the name of this blog piece. I know there is a lot going on in this world, but girl power for me is also an important issue. Especially when you think about that as an American female, how we have it better than most females in other places around the world. As a mother with a daughter this piece is very important and more meaningful to me. I always encourage my daughter to reach for the stars. I also tell her that she can do anything that she puts her mind to. I also want all girls and women to know that they are not limited in what they can do. Many males try to paint us a weak and delicate, because they are physically stronger. I know I'm neither weak nor delicate. We females put up with a lot of nonsense both as a girl and as a woman. Yet through all the caca, we manage to stand tall. We are multitaskers and strong minded. We were not made to just simply clean, cook and birth children. We are the ones that stand by through all the obstacles and all the struggles. We are there to uplift you and love you. As females, let's not fight each other or degrade each other. Give me a hug and tell me words to enhance my soul. I will do the same my sister. We don't have to be blood to have a sister hood. Let's not have a contest of who is better. It only feeds the males ego and need to see us be catty to each other. Many men and women say that in the bible woman was curse with pain when giving birth. I think about that a lot. Then I come to the realization that the heavenly father blessed us. The pain is like a war scar to say "I was in such pain that I felt like I was going to die, but I survived it. Out of that pain I got a little bundle of blessing." When I think of my kids as newborn babies I start to think to myself "How can this be a curse?” This proves how strong and beautiful we are as females. My daughter is a female norm breaker. I like that, #femalenormbreaker. She is a gamer. Usually this role is for the "boys". Many of her male friends are surprised to hear this. They are like “But you're a girl...” This shows me that as mothers of sons, we need to teach our boys that girls can do anything. We also have to teach them to respect females so that we don't have to see another #meto movement. We have always been oppressed. When you face sexual harassment you are being oppressed. Cat calls, though sometimes feels good when you're older, can sometimes leave us feeling oppressed. "You can't do this, because you're a girl" is also a way to oppress us. We need to get to a point where we are no longer oppressed. This also includes, race, color, sexual orientation, and disability. If I forgot something, please remind me. So girls, take your power. Girl power is not just a word it is our right.