Rosario Unlimited: Dear Diary mini Fairytale Stories

Dear Diary,
Today I grabbed a chocolate frosted donut and hid in the closet. I felt so guilty as I tasted every yummy bite. As I was enjoying this sweet guilty pleasure I noticed a light shinning on my wooden floor. It was coming from the back of the closet. I'm not going to lie, my heart started pounding and I was freaking out a little bit. I watch a lot of horror movies and things like this can tend to have a very bad situation coming after. My mind was saying, no shouting, "RUN!” but for some reason I couldn't move. Then I slowly turned around. My thoughts were everywhere. "This is it. This is how I'm going to die, inside the closet eating a yummy delicious donut." I had a piece of chocolate on the edge of my mouth. When I turned around I saw a small fairy. She flew next to my hand that was holding the chocolate piece of heaven. I was sure at this point that the guilt was making me see things. Fairy dust seemed to drip from her wings. She took out a small wand and swung it towards my donut. She changed the donut to an apple. Well, I was freaked out, but at the same time furious.
"What the F***?"
Before I could even finish saying the F word she swung her wand again and duck taped appeared on my mouth. I would have squashed her, but feared she would make me disappear before my hand would squash her. I took the duck tape off and ate the apple. I ate the apple because I was nervous. The fairy smiled and then she flew inside a tiny door that just appeared. I reached out to touch it and the door disappeared.