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Rosario Unlimited: Dear Diary mini Fairytale Stories

Dear Dairy,

After I touched the singular fairy dust, I started to scream and freak out. Everything around me was getting bigger while I was getting smaller. I was thinking as I was shrinking,

"Well, now I can checkout that door."

I had stopped getting smaller. I looked at the door and I was still too big to get in.

"Darn it!"

I kicked the door. The ground started to move violently. I quickly stopped. I was scared and said,

"I'm really sorry. Nice fairy door."

The door slowly started to open. As the door opened it made this creepy sound. I gulped and said softly,


Then the door shut closed with such forced that it left a ringing sound inside my ears. The door then opened again. This time the fairy came out. She gestured with her finger to come over here. I slowly and cautiously walked towards her. She then took her wand and zapped me. I started shrinking again. I yelled,


I was now as small as she was. I was also small enough to be able to go through the door. I looked at the fairy and smiled.


I said to her humbly.

"You just don't quit. You humans are always so curious."

"You are majestic and intriguing. It's hard not to be curious" I said.

"Very well. Come into my world. Just remember to listen to what I tell you and don't get lost. As majestic and intriguing as we are, some in my world are the opposite." The Fairy warned.

She had a beautiful voice. It was gentle and calming. You almost felt hypnotized by the sound of her voice. She went inside the door and before she completely disappeared inside she said,

"Come. My world awaits."

I was feeling all types of butterflies and fears as I stood next to the door. When I stepped in it felt like a powerful force pulled me in. I saw what I believed was the universe. When I finally got to the other side I said in awe,

"Oh my God!"

To Be Continued.......

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