Rosario Unlimited: Dear Diary mini Fairytale Stories

Dear Diary,
I was finally able to fit through the door. I was amazed at what I saw all around me. The fairy world was both beautiful and frightening. At one side of this unknown land was a beautiful pinkish and baby blue filled world. The sun was shinning so brightly. The sky was the bluest I've ever seen. The clouds white and they were perfectly shaped. The trees were also gorgeous. The leaves were a hot pink. They smelled like cotton candy. The grass was so green and beautiful you were afraid to step on it. The other side of fairy world was creepy looking. Dead black trees with no leaves. You can smell them rotting. The ground had no grass. All you saw was dirt. I saw a lake or what I thought to be a lake filled with blood instead of water.
"Aaaah!" I screamed.
I saw the ugliest bug. It was the size of an average sized dog. The bug looked at me as if it wanted to eat me. I started having flashbacks of times where I killed the tiny bugs in our world.
I guess it was payback time. The fairy grabbed me by the arm.
"Over here, human. That bug will drink you dry."
She didn't have to say another word. I followed her so close, I could feel her fairy dust on my skin. We walked towards the most beautiful castle I have ever seen. It was really the first castle I have seen. When we finally reached the castle some guards came out. They surrounded us.
"Geez. Kind of too close there."
The fairy smiled at me. Then she said.
"Guards! Take this human away."
"Wait! What?" I said frantically.
"Put her in the dungeon."
They grabbed me and handcuffed me with laser cuffs.
"I thought you was my friend." I yelled.
She looked at me and smiled.
To Be Continued.......