Rosario Unlimited: Dear Diary mini Fairytale Stories

Dear Diary,
The muscular handsome wall man extended his arm to me. He wanted me to grab his hand.
"So how are we going to escape this place?" I asked.
"Of course through the wall." The wall man said.
At this point I'm thinking he's messing with me, but I saw no smirk or detected any sign of sarcasm.
"I don't know if you've noticed, but I'm not like you. I simply just can't walk through walls. I have no mutant powers. I'm just flesh and blood."
"I don't know what mutant is, but trust in me. I will take you to the other side safely."
"Trust you. I trusted the fairy and she locked me up. Why should I trust you?"
"What other choice do you have? You stay you die. Just take a chance and trust me."
Darn, wall man was right. The fairy wanted me to be her science experiment. I only have two choices. Trust Mr. Sexy wall man or die. I grabbed his hand. He then wrapped his muscular strong arm around my waist. He smelled so good. Then he slowly merged into the wall. My heart was pounding. Then I slowly started merging into the wall with him. I could see the inside of the wall. It was freaky. I could see all the particles and stuff. Yeah, if you're expecting some scientific description I can't give it to you. Science was not my greatest subject. I started to feel dizzy and I almost fainted. Wall man grabbed me tighter. Before I knew it , we were on the other side of the dungeon. I could see the beautiful sky and the sun. I was free. Well, sort of.
"So now what?" I asked.
"You come to my home."
"As cool as that sounds, I'm not going to be tricked into another dungeon."
"No. I live in a humble home."
"I want to go to my home."
"Home?" Wall man asked.
"Earth! Non-fairy. Non-magic."
"Oh! I've heard of such a place. I've never traveled. Only fairy that let you in can let you out."
I rolled my eyes and sighed heavily.
"That's the fairy that kidnapped me."
"She forced you into this world?"
"Well, no. I kinda wanted to come."
"Then she is the only one that can take you back."
"So basically I'm screwed."
"Yes, you are?" Wall man said.
I was stuck in this world. How was I going to go home? How was I going to convince this evil fairy to take me back to my home world?
To Be Continued...