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Rosario Unlimited: Dear Diary mini Fairytale Stories

As we walked into Chillko forest, I heard all types of scary noises. I became even more scared, because none of the noises were recognizable to me. Every noise I heard made me jump. I felt like a fool and a scary cat. Hondero was walking with no fear. Hondero was not only deliciously handsome, but he was so courageous. I admired his courage. It was so intoxicating. I started seeing shadows. I really felt spooked. There was a shadow moving towards our way. My knees felt weak. I held on to Hondero's strong and muscular arm. As the shadow got closer, I could see it was a small person. At least I think it was a person. Then as the shadow got closer the light of the moons, yes moons, revealed that the shadow was a little girl. She had raggedy dirty clothes and she looked as if she had not bathed in like forever.

"Hi Hondero. Who's your friend?"

"Hello Azina. This is Isabel."

Hondero said.

I waved and smiled. Then Azina smiled back.

"What are you doing out here at this time of night Azina?" Hondero asked.

"I was so hungry and so are the others. I was trying to find food."

I felt so sad for the poor girl. She was trying to find food in this dangerous forest.

"Come with us to my home. I'll give you enough food for you and the others. Always come to me when you need food. Never come out here alone at night. Promise?"

"I promise Hondero. Thank you." Azina said. She then took out a small doll out of her dress pocket and started to play with it.

"I didn't know there were children in this scary forest."

The fairies like to make this forest seem as if it were an evil place, but it's not. This forest was once the most beautiful place ever." Hondero said.

"Once? What happened?"

"The fairies poisoned the ground and then everything in the forest started to die. Even the sky turned gloomy in just this area. The fruits that grew on the trees spoiled. The fruits once fed every creature that lived in the forest. Now the fairies make the people work for food. The fairies are the true evil."

Hondero then grabbed the little girl's hand and proceeded to walk. All this time I thought I had to worry about this dark scary forest, but it was the fairies that I should have feared. The images of my kids came to my mind. Tears started streaming down my face as I thought about them. I quickly wiped them away. My heart was aching so bad, because I missed them so much. I missed my world. I was such a fool.

We finally arrived at Hondero's home. It was made from wood. It was simple, but beautiful. It was the only beautiful thing in the forest. Hondero, Azina and I went inside the wooden house.

"Welcome to my home." Hondero said.

He then went to his kitchen and he opened a cupboard. The cupboard was filled with food. He grabbed a sack and he then started to fill it with food.

"Azina, I will call Bucky and have him take you home."

Thank you Hondero. I am so grateful."

She then hugged Hondero so tightly. It was such a beautiful moment. The beautiful moment was interrupted by a loud scary growling sound. Hondero's floors started to shake and then the lights went out. Click!

To Be Continued....

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