Rosario Unlimited: Dear Diary mini Fairytale Stories

It was morning. I woke up and I stretched my arms. I looked around the room and remembered I wasn't home. I sighed deeply.
"Good morning, Isabel!" Hondero shouted.
"Yeah, good morning." I said in a grumpy tone.
My grumpiness changed when I smelled some food. The smell was heaven to my nose. My stomach started grumbling. I went to the bathroom to freshen up. After twenty minutes passed by I went downstairs.
"Finally,! I have been keeping this breakfast warm for you. We have lots to do today." Hondero said.
"Sorry, I have to make sure everything looks good and freshened up." I said and then I smiled. "What things do we have to do today?"
"You do want to go home?"
"Yes, of course!"
"We need to go Fluff forest. We have to find Gardenera."
"The Fluff forest? Gar...what?"
"It's a forest where the floor is made out of fluff. No shoes are allowed. We will barefoot it."
"Barefoot it! Gardenera is one of the best fighters around the Echoron dimension. She is beautiful, strong and has dragon wings."
"Hold up, dragon wings?"
"She is half dragon and half fairy. She hates her fairy side. She will find the fairy, which is the queen, that brought you here."
"What if she doesn't want to bring me back home?"
"Oh, she will. Gardenera is known for torturing fairies. They never say no to her."
"Normally I would feel bad, but under the circumstances I don't. I think I will like this Gardenera."
Hondero smirked. He then took out a bag and packed essential items we would need for this journey. I just really didn't like the idea of walking barefooted in this world, but mama got to get home. After I finished breakfast, I got dressed. Hondero and I stepped out the house. Falcancho seemed to be waiting for us.
"Is he coming with us." I asked Hondero.
"No. He will take us half way. If we were to walk there without Falcancho it would take us a week to get there. This way we only have to walk for three days to the Fluff forest."
"Three days? That is still a lot of walking. Why can't he take us all the way?"
"Falcancho does not like Fluff forest and he can't be near the forest."
"Why not?"
"As you may have noticed, Falcancho is extremely big. He would destroy the Fluff forest. Falcancho is also allergic to the fluff. So stop complaining and let's be on our way."
"Okay!" I said and I rolled my eyes.
Hondero and I got on top of Falcancho. He then rode off. I was scared, but at the same time I felt safe. I really hope Hondero is right. I hope Gardenera can make the queen fairy take me home.